Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Taupo NZ

We spent the day at a dairy farm with a wonderful lunch, and this afternoon we went to the Glowworm caves. Tonight we are staying at Taupo, we just finished this wonderful dinner. I had pavlova for dessert. The weather has been in the 60's and windy. I took pictures, but don't have my cord for downloading, it must be in my room and if I leave the computer someone else is going to take it, maybe tomorrow. The bad news is that Larry Tohm is in the hospital in Auckland. He got a blood clot in his groin and was operated on today. He can't fly home until it is taken care of. They hope to rejoin the trip in a few days if they can, if not they will fly home. I felt so bad this morning leaving her to deal with it alone, but the tour people have been wonderful and have taken care of all her expenses. Tomorrow is a cruise on Lake Taupo.
I'm too full to go to bed and it's too dark to go for a walk, maybe I'll do the weight room. Jen I took dessert pictures just for you.


Rogers5 said...

Sounds like your having a terrific time. How's the adjustment to the time difference? Can't wait to see pictures

Jennifer said...

Say "hi" to my old friend Clare when you're in Arrowtown. Remember all those 3 a.m. phone calls from her? :-) Have a fabulous time, and keep taking pictures of that pavlova. Yum!

Unknown said...

Oh my, you are giving us much to talk and laugh about....anxious to see pics and tell Howard to get a hole in one...none of us would know whether he did or not and it would make a GREAT story! We miss you but know you are having fun, fun, fun!